Don't Ignore, Personal Protective Equipment is Needed by the Medical Team to Avoid Exposure to Covid-19

Penggunaan Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) menjadi syarat utama bagi tenaga medis dalam menangani pasien virus corona (Covid-19) agar tidak ikut terpapar. (Foto: Koran Sindo)

             April 27, 2020

JAKARTA, - The use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is the main requirement for medical personnel in handling corona virus (Covid-19) patients. PPE used by medical personnel must comply with the standards of the World Health Organization (WHO).

PPE is designed to be a barrier against the penetration of substances, free-liquid or airborne particles, as well as protect the wearer from the spread of infection. The use of PPE must be in accordance with the guidelines that have been set so that the protection is maximized. Do not let the case of medical personnel in hospitals be exposed again due to a shortage of PPE.

 The use of PPE itself has a certain level starting from the first, second, and third level health workers. For medical personnel at level three health facilities who treat COVID-19 patients, the use of full body PPE is used. The government was also asked to add PPE facilities for handling corona virus (Covid-19) patients. To help the medical team optimally, it also requires a helping hand from a number of parties in helping the hard work of health workers. One of them is private. As did the dermatology pharmaceutical company Meccaya Pharmaceutical. They distributed a total of 4,500 PPE equipment, 500 liters of Hand Sanitizer, and 200 liters of disinfectant to a number of hospitals in need, namely Bekasi City Hospital, Bekasi Regency Hospital, Gatot Soebroto Hospital, Husada Hospital, Tugu Koja Hospital, and Friendship Hospital.

President Director of Meccaya Pharmaceutical, Ricky Surya Prakasa, said this assistance was an effort by the company to support Indonesian medical personnel who are still struggling against the Covid-19 pandemic.

"We are concerned that there are still many Covid-19 Referral Hospitals that are experiencing a shortage of PPE. This encourages us to help so that at least all medical personnel who are fighting at the forefront can obtain high safety standards in carrying out their duties," he said in a press release, Sunday (4/26/2020).

In addition to material donations, Ricky also reminded the importance of providing moral support and enthusiasm for medical personnel throughout Indonesia.

Meanwhile, the Operations Director of Meccaya Pharmaceutical, Riduan Kaban asked the public to remain calm and alert, maintain health, and obey government advice and regulations such as Physical Distancing and PSBB.

Riduan also said that Meccaya Pharmaceutical's social actions will continue to be pursued, among others by distributing basic necessities and hand sanitizers to underprivileged communities, either directly or in collaboration with various competent and transparent foundations.

"We hope, with the support and cooperation of all parties, the handling of Covid-19 can run more effectively, quickly, and safely, so that the spread of Covid-19 in Indonesian society can be immediately cut off," he said.

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